🧀 Taproom takeover tomorrow! Join us for a jam-packed evening featuring our DON’T QUARRY BE HAPPY beer release, FRUITED FRIDAY with Siren’s Sip infused with orange and mango juice, and delicious bites from the CHEESY CHICKS food truck starting at 6:00 pm ‘til sell out. Plus, groove to the sounds of LIVE MUSIC by the Tokyo Tramps from 6:00 pm to 9:00 on. Don’t miss out on the fun- see you on the boardwalk! #craftbeer #fruitedfridays #bostonlivemusic #foodtruck #marinabay #taproomtakeover

May 9, 2024

🧀 Taproom takeover tomorrow! Join us for a jam-packed evening featuring our DON’T QUARRY BE HAPPY beer release, FRUITED FRIDAY with Siren’s Sip infused with orange and mango juice, and delicious bites from the CHEESY CHICKS food truck starting at 6:00 pm ‘til sell out. Plus, groove to the sounds of LIVE MUSIC by the Tokyo Tramps from 6:00 pm to 9:00 on. Don’t miss out on the fun- see you on the boardwalk!

#craftbeer #fruitedfridays #bostonlivemusic #foodtruck #marinabay #taproomtakeover

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