1 YEAR of amazing local food pop-ups in our taproom We’re counting down the days until our #firstanniversary on Friday and wanted to highlight all of the fun we had in the last year… Big shout out to all of our food vendors that keep us fed during busy shifts and took a chance on us in year 1. Cheers to you! UPCOMING FOOD: 3/3 Hott Smoke BBQ @hott_smoke 3/4 Thiccy’s Tacos @thiccysclub 3/5 Breakfast Ninjas @breakfastninjasboston 3/10 Raina’s Plate @rainasplate 3/11 Hott Smoke BBQ 3/12 Breakfast Ninjas & when we don’t have a food vendor on site, you can always trust @boardwalkpizzamb to get it done.

Feb 28, 2023

1 YEAR of amazing local food pop-ups in our taproom

We’re counting down the days until our #firstanniversary on Friday and wanted to highlight all of the fun we had in the last year…

Big shout out to all of our food vendors that keep us fed during busy shifts and took a chance on us in year 1. Cheers to you!

3/3 Hott Smoke BBQ @hott_smoke
3/4 Thiccy’s Tacos @thiccysclub
3/5 Breakfast Ninjas @breakfastninjasboston
3/10 Raina’s Plate @rainasplate
3/11 Hott Smoke BBQ
3/12 Breakfast Ninjas

& when we don’t have a food vendor on site, you can always trust @boardwalkpizzamb to get it done.

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