FRIDAY @ BRB. NEW BEER + TACOS + LIVE MUSIC! BEER RELEASE! Alaus! (Ah-louse) Lithuinaian Pale Ale – 5.5% – Draft and Cans To-Go Our Head Brewer/Co-Owner Vilija is a proud Lithuanian American. Lithuanians around the world raise a celebratory pint on February 16th to mark their Independence Restoration Day! We brewed this beer to celebrate with them! This pale ale was fermented with a proprietary Lithuanian yeast strain resulting in a potent mix of aromas and flavors including smarties candy, passionfruit, orange, and guava accompanied by faint spice of rye that was included in the mash. LEGACY LIVE MUSIC SERIES FEATURING THE BOSSTOWN HEAVY Join the Bosstown Heavy, @quincycannaco and it’s partners for a night of chill vibes and great music! Live music goes from 7p-10p. 🌮TACO MAMA FOOD POP UP🌮 Taco Mama will make their taproom debut at 6pm with their tasty eats. #lithuania #alaus #newbeer #quincy #quincycannabis #legacylivemusicseries #bosstownheavy #tacos #tacomama
FRIDAY @ BRB. NEW BEER + TACOS + LIVE MUSIC! BEER RELEASE! Alaus! (Ah-louse) Lithuinaian Pale Ale - 5.5% - Draft...